Month: August 2022

  • Sonlight: Curriculum Review

    I have only had experience with the Kindergarten (5-7 years) and the 1st Grade (6-8 years) All-Subjects Packages so that’s what I’ll be reviewing. My Pros: The thing I loved most about this curriculum is the organizational system they set it up with. I still use this same “system” in my homeschool even without the…

  • ACE Ministries: Curriculum Review

    True Story! I used this curriculum as a kid! It is tried and true and hasn’t changed much since then either. 4 of my children started their homeschooling experience working in their Paces. (What is a PACE?) My Pros: Firstly, the idea of this curriculum that I can get on board with is that it…

  • Our 2022-2023 Curriculum Choices

    Maybe you’re wondering what my kiddos are set to use this school year (or maybe not but I’ll blog them anyway)? Don’t hold me to what I’m about to list because I am likely to add or delete an option as needed. I’m known for just kind of winging it and, while some things I…

  • What exactly is Blended Homeschooling?

    TBH… I may have made this term up. I’ve tried so many different homeschool resources & curriculums it has literally made my head spin over the years. For a while I thought I had to do it how other families did it. I would pull my hair out trying to fit into someone else’s box.…

  • Launch Post

    Hello World! For the last 9 years I have said, “I’m going to document our homeschool resources. I’m going to create lesson plans, curriculum reviews, some sort of organized system… to simplify the homeschool process for myself and maybe even for new homeschooling families.” Welp! Today is the day I stop just saying it, and…