New Creation Science Unit Study!

Ya’ll I’ve been thinking about wanting to do so much with the ideas swarming through my head since starting this blog last year, in hopes to maybe enrich and help other homeschooling moms on their own teaching journeys. One thing I’ve learned over the 10 years has been that the community of homeschoolers is amazing! I have come across so many, whether by local groups, or homeschooling families, homeschooling Charter teachers, or sweet mamas I don’t even know face-to-face over social media is that there is no shortage of resources available! I can’t gush enough about the outreach of help and encouragement so many wonderful people are willing to give! I definitely went through my “omg, am I making the wrong choice for my kids” mode, and “omg, I know I’m doing too much or too little,” and honestly, it’s just a never-ending cycle until you come into your own as a mother knowing that your children are doing and learning everything they need to be with their God-given talents. When they have those days of “school” where they actually ask to learn or create, or when their eyes enlarge when I’m able to tell them something they didn’t know but love to now know, or even just on the sick days when they don’t have the energy in them to “do” but we get to snuggle up on the couch for a movie or a Bluey binge… I know everything is A-okay. I lost a little bit of steam a short time after starting to share here, just in focusing on our own schooling and everyday crazy life that it wasn’t until I started tallying the accomplishments of 2022-2023 before summer started and looking ahead to what the Fall school year has in store, that I prayerfully fell upon an idea I knew I had to bring to fruition.

One of my most favorite things I recall doing this last homeschool year with my new Kindergartener. I wanted to start her Science, first and foremost, with a focus on God’s Creation. I’ve come across Christian-based science curriculum over the years that does speak from Creationist views but ever since we decided to stop privately homeschooling and to join a Cali Charter School those resources stated to fail us. We don’t get to purchase faith-filled curriculum with the Charter funds and they don’t accept any work samples submitted with mention of His Word either. I was spending SO much money getting my own curriculum choices in what I knew my kids needed to be learning, only to continue to realize they weren’t going to hit ALL the requirements of our state standards. I caved and bought into secular science curriculum but started to supplement with my own lessons on top of that, on where Science came from and why are we able to study science in the first place, and mostly just wanting to keep everything under captive of His truth. I’ll admit I was starting to lose my spark and love for homeschooling just a couple years into “schooling with the government,” for lack of a better definition, because doing all the CA requirements and still supplementing with extra Christ-filled lessons was SUPER time-consuming and I knew I had to re-center us again into a simplified homeschooling method because it was all WAY too much.

LONG STORY SHORT!!!! Alas, that’s how TBH Creation Science Unit Study came to be! I was back to where I started at the beginning of the last year with a thrown together 8 (plus) Day Science Plan stemming from the Creation laid out in Genesis, SO I spent the last couple weeks working, working, working on this new plan that’s now available for download! I had so much fun with my daughter reviewing the 7 days of Creation, I had spent countless hours looking up fun printables and videos and art activities to pair with the bible reading. Things that were engaging enough for a 5 year old’s sweet distracted manner. But then, by trial and error, learned what activities worked, what activities didn’t, or what needed my own personal tweaks. It’s now all gathered from my brain (and an infinite amount of computer files) into an easy-to-use 8-day Science Unit Study. Better yet, I remembered my 2nd and 3rd grader ended up wanting to do a lot of the activities I had allotted to my Kinder and they all had fun together trying to remember the sequence of the Days of Creation and watching the fun videos provided to them therefore this plan is also family style! Geared mostly towards ALL Elementary grade levels but also easily adaptable for High school (and parents) as well so that we can all benefit from remembering God’s Creation.

If you’re in search of a great way of teaching Science in a secular system or just want to fill your next year(s) with a Creation Study, I may be biased (haha!) but, please take a peek at this Study Plan and see if it could happily be incorporated into your own homeschool studies. I’ve linked a flip-through of the PDF pages above and I’ve also made them available for purchase on Etsy. Of course, if you would rather use a payment method such as Venmo or Zelle, I’m offering the best savings that way, on all the digital files! Just simply email me at [email protected] or fill out the form in the Contact Me section of this blog rather then purchasing from the etsy shop, letting me know!