4th Grade Curriculum Picks: 2023-2024

I know I’m a bit late to the Planning Party but I’m finally making time to share our curriculum picks for this year. I have one 4th grade son and we are lucky enough to partner with a Charter School to Homeschool so his plan also aligns to California State Standards, I make sure of that!

Language Arts: We are trying something new, Michael Clay Thompson’s Grammar Island Level. There is a lot of moving parts to this but I was able to find a 32 week suggested use schedule and we are just going to dive in. After just 1 week of using the first book in the series, my son only has positive things to say about it. (He loves that the “lessons” are so short and it’s just reviewing stuff he already “knows” so it’s “easy.” Haha!) We are accompanying his LA with The Merriam Webster Word of the Day Book, Daily Language Review, and Skills Coach Write It Out Level C. These won’t be utilized every day, however, and if he has a writing assignment in MCT that will always be the priority. I just like to have available supplements in case I feel like he could use some extra assignments or sometimes he just requests more on his own! *There is a full flip through of MCT Grammar Island on my YouTube channel.

Math: We are also trying something new because last year was a slight failure. While he loved using Teaching Textbooks we have found out that the Grade levels are a bit below the CA Standards and now will be playing catch up to learn the rest of his 3rd grade requirements. We are starting in Themeville Math Level 3 as that is where he placed using their Placement test. And we will jump through that until I feel he’s ready to start Level 4. He’s excited because there are fun manipulatives he can play with while he learns! We will also be supplementing with The Good and the Beautiful Mental Math Map Mysteries: Math 4 because he just thinks it’s extra fun, as well.

Science: I’ve put together an eclectic lesson plan filled with good books, videos, and hands-on activities that I will share shortly! You can peek the 1st grade Plan to get an idea of what’s in the works. *There is also a partial flip through of our Creation Unit Study on my YouTube channel. **UPDATE: The 4th Grade Schedule is now available on Etsy.

Social Studies (or History & Geography): He’s started the Beautiful Feet Books History of California Guide. This is a very Charlotte Mason type approach but also has a lot of links and resources to view additional videos/websites for further learning. I created a 36 week schedule because the guide doesn’t lay it out in those terms with all of the links included. It’s available for purchase on my Etsy or by emailing me at [email protected]. For Geography I’m mostly using the States Notebook which comes with stickers and quick worksheets to fill out partnered with the Desk Atlas. I also have an Exploring Handwriting Through US Geography resource that he may dabble in. I’ve also gathered a ton of learning videos/vlogs for him to watch and fun USA related board games. He’ll do about 1-2 states per week. *There is a full flip through video of our History on my YouTube Channel (@blendedhomeschool).

Electives: He’s already addicted to this new Get Coding book! He will also be working through this Logic resource and Creating Line Designs (they have several different leveled books).

Extracurriculars: Last but definitely not least, he’ll be taking a Robotics & Sailing Class one day each week, continuing swimming and tennis lessons, and maybe revisiting drums or another instrument of choice. It’s sure to be a really fun year!