
Welcome to The Blended Homeschool! I’m dedicated to giving you the very best in homeschooling resources with a focus on curriculum reviews, organizational tools, and eventually, full year lesson plans. I’ve never identified with only one particular homeschool style, so I take a blend of different homeschool styles, mash them together, and simplify the process! (What exactly is Blended Homeschooling?)

I’m a Homeschool Mom of 11 years with my youngest in 2st grade (along with a 3rd grader, 4th grader, Sophomore, and Junior). After the 2021-2022 school year was the hardest year ever for me, academically speaking, I felt it was the best time to start this blog in hopes of fostering personal success moving forward and aid other Mamas who are also lost in their homeschool journey.

Thanks for following along and PLEASE feel free to contact me at any time with comments or questions using the Contact Me page.