Category: Uncategorized

  • Christian Light Education – Math 101-110 LightUnits: Curriculum Review

    After trialing several math options for our 1st grader, including The Good and the Beautiful, Singapore Primary Mathematics, and A.C.E. paces, we settled on CLE. “Ten LightUnits provides 170 lessons, including quizzes and tests. Each lesson introduces one or more bite-sized new concepts. Many of the student exercises consist of continuous review to ensure that…

  • Learning Language Arts Through Literature – The Blue Book: Curriculum Review

    I had high hopes for this curriculum based on what I had heard of it so we decided to purchase it for use with our 1st grader. This review is ONLY for the Blue Book, I have no experience with any later levels. “The Common Sense Reading Program… is the perfect reading program for beginning readers.…

  • Brave Writer Dart: Curriculum Review

    We are currently working through our very first Brave Writer Dart! We’re in the middle of Week 3 and so I feel like I’m experienced and qualified enough to give an honest, educated review. I had scoured other homeschoolers reviews and watched several YouTube videos regarding this company and what they have to offer and…

  • Cha-cha-cha-changes!

    November is just around the corner, ya’ll! It’s hard to believe that we are already moving into our 4th month of this school year and I already have big changes to share. Thankfully the changes are, what I consider to be, very positive and don’t effect my flow but actually even eases it quite a…

  • 1st Grade Curriculum Picks: 2023-2024

    I’m finally making time to share our 1st grade curriculum plan. This grade level was the hardest to settle on and is still the most up-in-the-air due to I’m really just trying to iron out what’s going to work for her particular learning style. Unlike some of my other kiddos, she is a VERY verbal…

  • 3rd Grade Curriculum Picks: 2023-2024

    Hey there, I’m back again! This time with an update on one of my daughters’ curriculum for this school year. (I previously blogged about our 4th grader’s picks so definitely head back a post and view that if you need!) Today is all about 3rd grade! Luckily we just finished up this level with my…

  • 4th Grade Curriculum Picks: 2023-2024

    I know I’m a bit late to the Planning Party but I’m finally making time to share our curriculum picks for this year. I have one 4th grade son and we are lucky enough to partner with a Charter School to Homeschool so his plan also aligns to California State Standards, I make sure of…

  • New Creation Science Unit Study!

    Ya’ll I’ve been thinking about wanting to do so much with the ideas swarming through my head since starting this blog last year, in hopes to maybe enrich and help other homeschooling moms on their own teaching journeys. One thing I’ve learned over the 10 years has been that the community of homeschoolers is amazing!…

  • Our Third Grade Book List

    *Recommended for an advanced reader, IMO

  • The Good and the Beautiful Language Arts: Curriculum Review

    I have used this curriculum in level K, 1, 2, and 3 but this review will focus mainly on the 3rd level (only the old version. They just released an updated version recently and will be trying that with my 3rd grader in the Fall). Before getting into my pros and cons I will briefly…