Our 2022-2023 Curriculum Choices

Maybe you’re wondering what my kiddos are set to use this school year (or maybe not but I’ll blog them anyway)? Don’t hold me to what I’m about to list because I am likely to add or delete an option as needed. I’m known for just kind of winging it and, while some things I have used in the past and am confident in, this year I’m trying out A LOT of new things so stay tuned for the upcoming reviews.

Here’s my picks for 2022-2023:

Kindergarten: Not a whole lot! I’ll utilize mostly YouTube videos and free printables throughout the year. Teachers Pay Teachers is an awesome website with so many printables available. Most do require a small cost, however, so when I want to avoid paying I simply google the subject I want followed by “free printable” and good choices will pop up. For her Social Studies I did purchase The Little Social Studies Thinkers Bundle and am anxious to use and review.

2nd Grade: She’ll be using the Reading and Language Arts Workbooks from Christian Light Education. This is also a new curriculum for us so I don’t have much to say on it yet. It looks promising though! For math, I’ve discovered Zearn! It’s been 4 days and we are digging it so far (I forgot to mention I will probably have my kindergartner access this site at her own level, also). In Science, her and her 3rd grade Brother will be using Science Shepherd – Introductory Science. This saves me money and time because two grades can utilize the same streaming videos. The only difference is my 2nd grader will use Workbook A while my 3rd grader will use Workbook B. I’m not sure if they will take the full year course as it’s laid out or if I will just pick and choose which chapters they need to hit all the CCSS. Last is Social Studies. I don’t have a curriculum yet so TBD but we are 4 days in and she is almost done with a short book about Christopher Columbus.

3rd Grade: For Language Arts and Social Studies this is the first year we are going to try Starline Press. It came recommended by our Charter and is published in Hawaii so I’m hoping it’ll be just as kick back as the Islanders are. Haha! Teaching Textbooks for Math. He’s finally old enough to utilize this site! My, now Freshman, daughter has used this in the past and it’s very easy and fun to track and follow along with. Math is not my favorite subject to teach, so I like to use a curriculum that outsources with lots of tutorials and visuals like this one does. In Science, I covered this up in the 2nd grade level so read above if you haven’t already.

All that’s missing are some electives… One that I know for sure we will use this year is a Typing Program. I like Keyboarding Without Tears and have also used this for my older girls. It’s available in 1st-5th grades. Then I will definitely get my son on a coding program because that just fits his interests. I have my eye on the Code Kingdoms. Also, we love to do art over here so on any given day they all use blank paper and crayons, colored pencils, or markers to their hearts content. They also love watercolor painting and Paint by Number Kits. If we want to get real fancy with it, we check out Art for Kids Hub on YouTube or Yellow Spot:Sun for online art lessons.

That’s all for now! If you have used any of these curriculums please share your experience in the comment section below.